UTF-8 CHARACTERS IN THE DATABASE PATH: If there are some UTF-8 characters in the user name (which means in the path to the application database), a new repository will be created and linked to the path:
- Default Path With UTF-8 Characters: "C:\users\ӄӇӵӷӹӦ\AppData\Local\Trimble Perspective DB".
- Created Path Linked to the Default Path: "C:\TrimblePerspectiveLinks\xxxxxxxx" with xxxxxxxx an integer hash key of c:\users\ӄӇӵӷӹӦ\AppData\Local\Trimble Perspective DB.
- AUTO-REGISTRATION SKIPPED: The Auto-Registration of the current scan is skipped in case the Self-Leveling is turned off.
- SCANNER ERROR - INVALID STATION: The software performs a Tilt measurement before and at the end of a scan and compares the results. The resulting station is flagged as invalid and is not saved if the scanner is within:
- A range of +10° and -10° from either side of its vertical axis, the gap is over 1.5 milliradians.
- The following ranges, from +10° to +45° and from -45° to -10° from either side of its vertical axis and the gap is over 5 milliradians.
- CONNECTION LOST WHILE SCANNING: An acquisition of scans and images in progress does not terminate even if the controller has been disconnected from the scanner for one of the following reasons: Wi-Fi signal lost, or USB 2.0 connection issue, or the application closed by accident, etc.
NUMBER OF SCANS PER PROJECT: With a Trimble T10 tablet, there is no limit to the number of captured scans per project, and the project refinement works up to 160 scans.
WHEN A PROJECT IS LEVELED OR UNLEVELED?: A project is considered as:
- "Leveled" if only one of its scans is leveled.
- "Unleveled" if all of its scans are unleveled.
AUTO-REGISTRATION SKIPPED: The Auto-Registration is also skipped when the next scan position is on the previous one.