Using the BCF Topics
/ Screensnap
If you loaded a model that was stored on your device, the Screensnap app is available. Tap it to take a screensnap.
If you loaded a model from Trimble Connect, the BCF Topics app is available . A BCF Topic is an open source industry standard reporting mechanism which enables you to take and send georeferenced, augmented reality screensnaps and notes to a project member. SiteVision provides tools to create new Topics, and also view, edit, and navigate to existing Topics. These tools can be used to support a variety of field workflows including inspections, QA/QC, and coordination.
When you have selected the BCF Topics tool, shows as the active app icon.
Tap it to take a photo, or double-tap to take a photo without the SiteVision user interface.

The system automatically names the BCF Topic but you can edit this to suit.
You can enter a description of the task by typing it or, if supported by your device model / configuration, record using voice.
Project team members can be assigned to a BCF Topic, and will receive an email notification.
The Trimble Connect user that the BCF Topic is assigned to can receive an email notification with the details and associated link.
Project members must be set up in the Trimble Connect project to enable BCF Topics to be assigned to them.
Tags can be added; the list of available Tags can be configured in Trimble Connect.
You can also assign a Type, Priority, and Status from a preset dropdown list. These dropdowns come with preset defaults but can be managed and customized within Trimble Connect.
A due date can be set. This will default to +7 days.
For more detailed instructions on how to configure custom Tags, Type, Priority, and Status fields, refer to the Trimble Connect Topics help portal.
You can take and add more photos from the details window by tapping
(bottom left).
The photos come through in the BCF Topic in Trimble Connect as attachments.
Photos taken with BCF Topics
To capture a photo with the AR content that is displayed during operation, the BCF Topics function captures images by doing a screen capture. This limits the resolution of the images to the native screen resolution of the device (so the image will not appear as sharp as a photograph taken with the camera).
SiteVision stores the following information in the image as meta data::
- The high accuracy position from the SiteVision GNSS
- The orientation
The images stored include the composite image of the AR and real world, together with the accurate position and orientation of the image.
The images will be automatically attached to the BCF Topic and uploaded to Trimble Connect. When reviewing BCF Topics in the Connect 3D model viewer, selecting a BCF Topic will automatically navigate to the 3D location where the image was captured.

Immediately to the right of the BCF Topics app icon is the
button. Tap
to open the BCF Topics panel which displays all active BCF Topics in the current Connect project. The location of the BCF Topics is also visible in the main view in both AR and plan by the
By default all active project BCF Topics are displayed in the BCF Topics panel. Tap to filter the displayed BCF Topics to show only the active BCF Topics assigned to you.
To select an individual BCF Topic, tap on the list view or directly on the icon in AR view or plan view.
Once selected, the individual BCF Topic details are displayed in a summary window with a green indicator line pointing to its location. This can aid in navigating to the location where the BCF Topic was created.
To enter full-screen editing mode, and allow you to make updates and edits to existing BCF Topics, tap in the summary window.
Only the Creator, Assignee, or Project Admin is permitted to edit an existing Topic.