Orientation status
The Orientation Status icon shows you the status of the system orientation. Orientation is required to produce an accurately placed model in your surroundings.
Red - No orientation. The system prompts you to walk until a set of high accuracy orientation observations have been made.
Yellow - Low orientation. The system is indicating that the orientation accuracy is primarily from image tracking and may drift over time. Walking a short distance with good GNSS positioning will improve the orientation.
Green - Good orientation. The system is indicating that the GNSS orientation is aligned with the mobile device's AR orientation.
If the icon is spinning, the orientation is being updated with high accuracy GNSS and should correct any model drift that may have occurred.
The default minimum distance to walk to obtain orientation is 10 m (10 yd). When you have walked this distance and if the correlation between the visual tracking of the AR technology and the GNSS vectors is good, the Orientation Status icon turns green. If the correlation is not good you will be instructed to walk further.
If you have been running SiteVision for a long session, or you return a number of times within a session to the same area, or if AR is not behaving as it should, you may see "jumps" in the rendering of the model. If you experience this, tap the Orientation Status icon to reset the orientation.
To change the minimum distance to walk value, tap /
Configuration then tap Advanced and set the Minimum Distance To Walk. You should avoid changing this value unless it is necessary because with a shorter walk the orientation of the model is less accurate. Only change this value if you are working in a confined space where a 10 m (10 yd) walk is not possible. Remember that you must reset this value when returning to a more open environment to ensure accurate alignment.