Placing a model: automatic placement

Automatic Placement requires high accuracy GNSS. It also requires and uses coordinate system information within the data, Trimble Connect Project, or a Site Calibration file associated with the model. To use Automatic Placement, ensure your Trimble Connect project coordinate reference system is configured. Or, one of the following Site Calibration file formats must be used:

  • Calibration (CAL)

  • JobXML (JXL)

  • Data Collector (DC)

  • World Files (PGW)* For use with PNGs only.

    These formats can be generated by Trimble Business Center, Trimble Access, Trimble Siteworks, and Trimble SCS900 Site Controller software.

  • Projection files (PRJ) that are included in Esri Shape files.

    When using GIS data—such as Esri Geodatabase or Shape files—that is georeferenced and has been imported into or connected to a Trimble Connect map workspace no calibration file is required. SiteVision will automatically place the Trimble Connect map workspace data (.TMAP files).

