AutoBase with Warning (SPS Modular)

The Enable AutoBase Warning, when enabled, prevents the receiver from creating a new base station position and begin operating as an RTK or DGNSS base station when no previous base station position exists that corresponds to the current position of the receiver.

  • When the Enable AutoBase with Warning is on (the default setting), the receiver will not begin transmitting RTK or DGNSS corrections from a base position (latitude, longitude, and height) that is not a part of the GPS site calibration.
  • When the AutoBase with Warning is off, the receiver begins transmitting RTK corrections from a new base position. You need only turn on the receiver the first time on a point, and you do not need to manually configure the base station settings.

The receiver uses the Enable with AutoBase Warning setting to control how the receiver performs when different criteria are met. You can turn the Enable with AutoBase Warning on or off using the keypad and display. For more information, see Configuring SPS Modular system settings.