The WinFlash utility

The WinFlash utility communicates with Trimble products to perform various functions including:

  • installing software, firmware, and option upgrades

  • running diagnostics (for example, retrieving configuration information)

  • configuring radios

The WinFlash utility runs on Windows 2000, XP, Windows Vista®, and Windows 7 operating systems.

Installing the WinFlash utility

You can download and install the WinFlash utility from the Trimble website.

  1. Go to

  2. Select your product from the list.

  3. If necessary, click the Support tab.

  4. Select the Downloads link.

  5. Select the Latest SPS GNSS Firmware and Utilities link.

  6. Select the firmware that you want to download. Ensure that you select a file that contains the WinFlash utility.

  7. Download the ZIP file to your computer and then open it.

  8. Extract the files and then run the WinFlash utility.

If your computer or laptop only has USB ports, then you must set up a virtual serial port. See Configuring a PC USB port as a virtual serial port.

The WinFlash utility guides you through the firmware upgrade process. For more information, refer to the WinFlash Help.

To configure a receiver using the WinFlash utility, an appropriate Lemo to Serial or USB cable is required, e.g. P/N 87144 USB to Serial cable. See Connecting to the Office Computer.