Radio protocol (wireless mode) setting recommendations
Trimble recommends using the TRIMTALK™ v1 protocol for Trimble products. Although the radio protocols have some impact on the bandwidth, a general rule to determine the maximum data size (in bytes) you can send is to divide the baud rate by 10. For example, a baud rate of 19200 enables you to send up to 1920 bytes, while a baud rate of 4800 enables you to send up to 480 bytes.
Some protocols may not be available in your country due to local regulations. These protocols are not included in your setup configuration.
When selecting a protocol, you must also consider other factors besides bandwidth. If bandwidth allows, it is recommended to have Forward Error Correction (FEC) enabled. Enabling FEC uses 35% of the bandwidth in PCC FST and SATEL formats, and 50% in PCC EOT and EOT 4 formats.