Binding a T4D license
There are two methods you can use to bind a T4D license:
Using the Trimble License Activator
From within T4D Control
Method 1: Trimble License Activator
Open the Trimble License Activator from the Windows Start menu.
Enter the email address and password associated with the T4D license. The password is delivered to the license email address upon purchase from
If you cannot find your license password, contact
From the License section, select the correct license pool and license from drop-down lists.
Click Update License.
In the Windows system tray, confirm the license is bound. The globe icon will indicate a bound online license.
Method 2: T4D Control
In T4D Control, select the System Properties button
Scroll to the bottom of the window to the Online Licensing section.
Enter the email address and password associated with the T4D license. The password is delivered to the license email address upon purchase from
If you cannot find your license password, contact
Select the [...] option in License 1.
From the License section, select the correct license pool and license from drop-down lists.
Select Bind License.
In the Windows system tray, confirm the license is bound. The globe icon will indicate a bound online license.