Release notes 6.3
This document contains summary information on new features, latest product information, updates as well as installation and upgrade procedures for Trimble® 4D Control™ version 6.3.
Trimble 4D Control (T4D) enables automated movement detection with confidence for surveying and construction professionals supporting informed decisions about infrastructure. T4D provides benefits in four core areas:
Sensor management and data integration providing support for GNSS, total station, geotechnical, vibration and environmental sensors.
Geodetic processing and adjustment to deliver the most accurate and reliable information from the combination of sensors through network adjustment and integrated processing engines.
Analysis and visualization through a set of comprehensive visualization, charting and analysis tools providing real-time updates.
Alarming and reporting leveraging conditional and project specific alarming and defined user roles providing up-to-date notification to key stakeholders.
New Visual Inspection Feature
This feature is only available for SX instruments.
Leveraging from the SX high resolution imaging capabilities, T4D introduces a new visual inspection feature. Automatically taken images are visualized next to observation time series allowing users to visually inspect movements or displacements.
Automated Target Image Capturing
Images can optionally be taken with every round measurement. The feature is enabled per target at the site setup dialog and is applicable to both prism targets and DR targets.
The video dialog automatically opens up when enabling the option in order to set an appropriate zoom level used in subsequent round measurements.
Site Setup dialog of T4D with new Target Image option
In order to avoid taking images that cannot be used for visual inspections (e.g. images taken at night), a time range for which images shall be taken can be specified.
Image time range properties of T4D Data Collector module
Images can also be imported to T4D using the Terrestrial Engine PP and Trimble Access Monitoring. In this workflow available measurements are a prerequisite to also have images available at T4D.
Visual Inspection at T4D Web
T4D introduces a new visual inspection section under the Charting and Analysis main menu at its web application. Automatically or semi-automatically captured images are visualized next to associated observation time series allowing a user for interactive visual inspections of target measurements.
Side-by-side comparison mode of two images
The visual inspection page provides intuitive workflows and an easy to use feature set.
Time and Sensor Selection
Filter controls to narrow down list of sensors
Visualization of observation time series and images for a specific target by selecting the sensor from the sensor list
Intuitive date range selection by dragging time slider handles on both sides and moving narrowed time range selection
Image Selection
Easy navigation for measurement points using the displacement chart
Various cross-links to visual inspection page from e.g. charts page
Selected timestamps indicated by colored vertical lines
Immediate visualization of related images above the displacement
Image borders follow same color scheme allowing clear identification between image and observation
Measurements without associated images represented with an empty circle at the observation time series
Images without associated observation represented with a black dot
Image Analysis
Various different image comparison modes for intuitive image analysis
Side by Side - Images are shown next to each other
Slider - Images are overlaid with a slider to reveal the one or the other
Fade - Images are overlaid with a slider which is used to change the opacity of the top image resulting in a fading effect from the one to the other
Slider comparison mode of two images
Vibration Sensor Support
With the addition of vibration sensor support T4D addresses a wide range of applications in civil engineering, where vibrations are required to be monitored due to regional or national standard directive. This especially applies to transportation infrastructure and structural monitoring projects.
Vibration monitoring devices typically record data in a configured low interval which is also referred to as background data. On top of that thresholds can be configured, that when exceeded automatically trigger a vibration event recording.
T4D supports the visualization of time series of background velocity measurements and allows drilling down into the velocity measurements of vibration events to further analyse its waveform.
Using its well established alarming capabilities T4D alarms on high vibrations that exceed set threshold levels and thus allows for taking action in time in order to avoid structural damages.
Supported Sensors
T4D supports two different vibration sensor types from Syscom Instruments, a leading supplier of vibration and seismic monitoring equipment for civil engineering, strong motion and safety industries.
The supported devices support trigger based event and/or continuous background recording modes and offer efficient vibration solutions for different measurements in the civil engineering surveys like industrial vibrations, construction site monitoring, tunneling, rail and blasting monitoring.
Both the MR3003C and the ROCK are compact and reliable vibration measurement systems with a rugged design that allow for easy configuration and control.
Device name |
MR3003C |
Key characteristics |
For further information on Syscom Instruments as well as the supported vibration sensors, please refer to the Syscom Instruments website.
Sensor Connection and Prerequisites
Vibration sensors are connected to T4D through an SFTP connection. The MR3003C has an built-in SFTP client, which sits in the Syscom Cloud Service in terms of the Rock, that must be configured so data is pushed to the appropriate SFTP server.
A new Vibration Gateways tab at the administrative section of T4D Web allows to configure the connection to the used SFTP server.
Vibration sensor connection settings
With regard to the configuration of vibration sensor themselves, the configuration that takes place outside of T4D, some important information must be taken into account:
The time must be set to UTC.
Background data upload must be enabled.
Background vibration files must contain peak vibration measurements.
Background (BMR) and Event files(XMR) must be written in ASCII format
Data Analysis and Visualization
Vibration Background Data
T4D Web allows a per sensor and per sensor axis visualization of background data time series. Peak velocities from the background data are visualized at a constant time interval, depending on the configuration at the vibration sensors.
Background vibration data chart
If the configured thresholds were exceeded in the selected date range peak velocities of a vibration event are also visualized.
The peak vibration measurement during the vibration event is typically orders of magnitude larger than the background peak vibration measurements. It is recommended to visualize the Peak Velocity R (vsum) value for vibration event data to easier differentiate between background data and vibration events.
Background vibration data chart including a vibration event in the selected date range
Vibration Events
Vibration event data visualization and analysis is supported by a new Vibration Events section at T4D Web. Recorded events of all vibration sensors for a selected period of time are listed in a tabular view.
Vibration events can be filtered by certain parameters (e.g. peak velocity, duration, etc.) and allow for an easy identification of particular vibration events or for comparing different peak vibration measurements.
Tabular overview of vibration events
Vibration event raw files can be downloaded as well as the vibration event charts can be easily accessed from here. The visualized waveforms per vibration event and per vibration sensor axis (x,y,z) allow for more detailed event analysis and assessment.
Vibration event waveform
Vibration Event Alarming
Alarms can optionally be enabled on the vibration sensors themselves by defining a set of thresholds for each axis and specifying a list of alarm recipients (email).
For more granular alarming T4D offers the configuration of different severity levels. 'Attention' and 'warning' notifications allow for more sensitive threshold settings compared to the alarm thresholds and for leveraging the T4D alarm event acknowledgement feature. In this case defined recipients receive vibration related notifications based on the evaluation of peak vibration/background data.
The alarm thresholds would typically match the alarm thresholds of the vibration sensor devices if they are configured.
New Trimble 4D Control Access Edition (T4D Access)
The core of Trimble Monitoring is the Trimble 4D Control software. In addition to the current four editions of the software, a new edition Trimble 4D Control Access is now available (T4D Access). T4D Access is a cost effective entry point for new semi-automated monitoring customers and available as perpetual and 1-year termed license.
The new edition streamlines the workflow for semi-automated monitoring where no automated data acquisition is required. Monitoring tasks are performed in the field on a regular basis utilizing Trimble Access Monitoring and round measurements (jxl files) are imported to T4D afterwards.
All T4D charting, analysis, alarming, and project management capabilities are available with T4D Access. Customers are able to leverage all total station related features of an automated system while data is collected in a semi-automated method and thus no total station sensor nodes are required.
In case of increasing project demands T4D Access enables a smooth transition into a fully automated monitoring system by upgrading to T4D Advanced. The upgrade includes the ability to view previously collected semi-automated data in the same graph as the automated collected data.
Sensor Management and Data Integration
Vaisala WXT536 Weather Station Support through Trimble Gateway
A weather station delivers important variables for an automated monitoring system. A very commonly used weather station solution on the market is the Vaisala Weather Transmitter WXT530 series.
The Vaisala WXT536 model of this series is now supported through the geotechnical gateway workflow which significantly simplifies the related setup and configuration.
Vaisala Weather Station WXT536
Connected to a Trimble digital data logger and a Trimble Gateway the following WXT536 data is continuously transmitted to Trimble 4D Control and available for advanced analysis and alarming:
Rain Gauge
Cumulative total rainfall (mm)
Rainfall per hour (mm/hr) - Represents the accumulated amount of physical rain that has fallen in a 60 min period.
Rainfall per day (mm/day) - Represents the accumulated amount of physical rain that has fallen in a 24 hr period.
Rainfall intensity (mm/hr) - A very critical variable is the rainfall intensity in particular in terms of slope stability monitoring. Although measured in mm/hr it is not representing hourly rainfall but it is the amount of the rainfall over a shorter period of time.
Rainfall data charts of Vaisala weather station
Weather Station
Pressure (hPa)
Relative humidity (%RH)
Temperature (°C)
Wind direction (Deg)
Wind speed (m/s)
Weather station charts (excluding rainfall data)
For alarming on rainfall intensity, rainfall per hour and rainfall per day, a reliable and continuous power supply to the Vaisala station is critical.
Comprehensive Analysis and Visualization
Enhanced and Reworked Webcam Support
The webcam support has been extended in order to support a wider range of webcams as well as the existing implementation has been revisited and improved in terms of existing configuration options.
T4D Web HTTPS Compatibility
The recommendation is to host T4D Web on secure sockets (HTTPS). By adding a relay service to T4D, video streams of connected webcams are now automatically exposed in HTTPS which ensures they can be viewed by T4D Web regardless whether it is hosted on HTTP or HTTPS.
RTSP Protocol Support
T4D Web adds a new connection mode for also viewing webcams that expose their video stream in the RTSP protocol. RTSP video streams compressed in the format H.264 are supported. The new RTSP connection mode allows users to enter the url and the credentials of the associated webcam.
New RTSP connection mode
Optionally, both MJPEG and RTSP video streams can be optimized. Lowering the frame rate, quality and/or resolution reduces the system load and network traffic between the browser when viewing webcams in T4D Web.
This optimization has no impact on the video stream between the webcam and T4D but is a server side optimization only.
ONVIF Webcam Discovery
T4D supports ONVIF Device Discovery that detects webcams available on the local network, enables automatic information retrieval and thus allows for easier webcam setup.
Note that only webcams in the local network are detected that support ONVIF discovery.
Video stream optimization settings
List of successfully tested webcams
Manufacturer | Model |
Hikvision |
DS-2CD2025FWD-I |
Provision-ISR |
I4-310IPHVF |
Provision-ISR |
I3-310IPH04 |
EzViz |
Husky C3W* |
Samsung |
POE SNH-V6430BN* |
Foscam |
FI9803 |
Foscam |
FI9902P |
IN-2905-V2 |
IN-9008FullHD |
IN-9020FullHD* |
*ONVIF Discovery not supported
Extended Calculation Sensor Capabilities
Edit of Existing Calculation Sensor Definitions
The used formula of a previously configured calculation sensor can now be changed.
Changes are only applied looking ahead which means historic data is not updated based on the new calculation formula and/or the updated input sensors. As a consequence an update to an existing calculation sensor configuration can lead to offsets in the calculated observation data.
Calculation sensor formula update (message)
Calculate History for new Calculation Sensors
When adding a new calculation sensor a user can decide whether the calculation shall be applied to existing data of its input sensors too (historic backfill).
The start date is constrained to the earliest date where data is available for all input sensors. Other than that the 'Calculate History' option cannot be enabled if one or more of the inputs or for real time GNSS data.
Calculate history feature
Improved T4D Web Security
The accounts page of T4D Web provides the following optional settings that address network security aspects:
T4D Web password strength enforcement
Auto Lockout configuration
Enforce session timeout
New web security setting at T4D Web
Conditional Alarming and Reporting
Coordinate Exporter supports Unique Identifier
A new feature is available with the Coordinate Exporter module that lets a user optionally enable the output of a unique identifier. When the setting gets enabled at the module properties a user must still specify the installation name as the unique identifier consists of the following information:
Installation name (configurable)
Configuration name of Integrity Monitor module
Point name
Properties of Coordinate Exporter module
Exported csv file with unique point name column
Resolved Issues
The underlying technology used for the T4D Web report generation has been updated which addresses situations where reports are generated with no content.
Further stability improvements in terms of reading in geotechnical gateway sensor data have been added. This particularly applies to when one single geotechnical sensor connected to a gateway temporarily does not deliver data.
The synchronization tab when configuring a calculation sensor is not available anymore for single sensor inputs in order to avoid any unnecessary delays.
An issue with analysis live updates associated with no data analysis series has been fixed.
It is ensured windrose labels are inside the widget borders at composite views.
System Requirements
Supported Operating Systems
Trimble 4D Control version 6.3 supports the following operating systems:
Windows Server 2019 (October 2018)
Windows Server 2016 (September 2016)
Windows 10
Supported SQL Servers
Trimble 4D Control version 6.3 supports the following Microsoft SQL servers:
SQL Server 2019
SQL Server 2017
Azure SQL Server
Trimble highly recommends using a full Microsoft SQL Edition that is not subject to limits in memory capacity and more performant (Standard or Enterprise Edition). This is particularly critical for monitoring systems with many sensors and processing engines where T4D Intermediate or T4D Advanced is used.
Supported Browsers
Trimble 4D Control Web is tested on the latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge. Microsoft Internet Explorer is being retired by Microsoft and is no longer supported by Trimble 4D Control Web.
Deployment and Installation
Download of Trimble 4D Control
The installer of Trimble 4D Control version 6.3 is available for download from the Trimble Monitoring website ( Some additional information on the installer:
It is a single installer for all available software editions of Trimble 4D Control (Access, Field, Intermediate, Geotechnical and Advanced).
Depending on the software edition that is selected, the installer downloads only the required installation files.
The installer offers a “Download Media” option for an offline installation on a different server that has no internet access. In this case the installer downloads the entire set of installation files for all software editions.
The Trimble 4D Control Access, Trimble 4D Control Field and Trimble 4D Control Geotechnical software editions include an automatic download and installation of Microsoft SQL Express 2019.
New Installation
To install Trimble 4D Control version 6.3, please perform the following steps:
Run the Trimble 4D Control installer executable.
Select the Trimble 4D Control software edition you have a license for.
Wait for the installation files to be downloaded.
Follow the instructions of the installation wizard.
Additional Information:
Make sure you have your Microsoft SQL database administrator credentials available if you install the Intermediate or the Advanced Edition of Trimble 4D Control.
Microsoft Chrome is a prerequisite for generating T4D Web reports and therefore is automatically installed together with T4D if not available yet on the appropriate server.
Version Upgrade of an Existing Installation
If an SX instrument is connected to Trimble 4D Control, make sure to update the Settop M1 firmware version to v4.3 or later in order to benefit from the SX imaging support in Trimble 4D Control v6.3.
To update the software from a previous version to version 6.3, please perform the following steps:
Ensure that the existing installation of Trimble 4D Control is running on version 6.2. If not, please update to version 6.2 first.
Back up all Trimble 4D Control configuration files (*.tde) using the “ConfigurationImportExport” tool that is available from the Trimble 4D Control Server installation directory.
Create a database backup (*.bak) using the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
Run the installation of Trimble 4D Control version 6.3. The installer automatically detects and uninstalls version 6.2, before proceeding with the installation of version 6.3.
For more information, please contact
Release notice
This is the December 2021 release (Revision A) of the Trimble 4D Control Software Release Notes. It applies to version 6.3 of the software.