Limit box
The Limit box enables you to exclude data in the map to view more clearly the area you are interested in. The Limit box is especially useful when viewing IFC files or point clouds, where you can exclude parts of the model or point cloud so that you can view inside the model or point cloud.
You can set the size of the Limit box using the vertical, side, or front/back sliders, or by entering limit values.
Функция Эмулятор GNSS не поддерживается при работе Trimble Access на усройствах с ОС Android.

Чтобы отобразить панель инструментов САПР, нажмите в панели инструментов карты, а затем выберите Панель инструментов САПР. The Limit box toolbar appears to the right of the map.
To use the Limit box tools:
- Tap
to set limits for the vertical slider.
- Tap
to set limits for the side slider.
- Tap
to set limits for the front/back slider.
В поле Опорный азимут отображается значение, введенное в поле Опорный азимут на экране Расчеты свойств задания (см. Настройки расчетов). To enter or edit the Reference azimuth value return to the Cogo settings screen, or tap in the Map toolbar and select Settings, select Reference azimuth from the Map orientation field and then edit the Reference azimuth field. To make sure the front surface of the limit box aligns with map data, for example with the front facade of a model, in the map tap a line or polyline used in the front facade and then tap Review. In the review pane, tap Details and copy the value in the Azimuth field and then paste the value into the Reference azimuth field.

To exclude parts of the map using the Limit box slider:
Tap the appropriate Limit box toolbar button.
The Limit box slider appears next to the Limit box toolbar. The values on the Limit box slider show the limits of each slider, and the center of the map (vertical slider) or the width of the limit box (side and front/back sliders).
If the Reference azimuth value for the job is not 0°, the side and front/back sliders do not show limit values. Only the width of the limit box is shown.
- Tap and drag the appropriate arrow along the slider to set the limit. The Limit box controls are dynamic and update to reflect the changes made.
- Continue to drag the controls along the slider to hide more of the map. The scale of each change depends on the zoom level of the map.
To hide the slider and retain the set limits, tap the Limit box toolbar button again.

If the Reference azimuth value for the job is not 0°, you cannot edit the side and front/back limit values and must use the side and front/back sliders to change the size of the limit box.
To manually enter limit values, tap and hold the appropriate toolbar Limit box button. Enter limit values in the pop‑up dialog.
To manually edit the vertical limit:
- Нажмите и удерживайте.
- To edit the center value, enter the value in the Center field.
- To set the thickness of the viewable area, edit the value in the Thickness field. The values in the Top and Bottom limit fields update automatically.
- To lock the Thickness value, tap
. This is useful if you want to inspect 'slices' of a model, for example when viewing each floor of a building. You can set and lock the thickness and then just edit the one of the other values (Top, Center or Bottom) to inspect the next 'slice' of the model.

To clear all limits and stop using the Limit box, tap on the map toolbar and then select Limit box
To clear all limits but keep using the Limit box, tap and hold any Limit box toolbar button and then tap Clear all limits in the pop-up dialog.
To clear some limits, tap and hold the appropriate Limit box toolbar button and then tap the Clear limits button for the selected elevation.