Joint mapping options
Tap Options in the Joint mapping screen to configure the following options.
If the job has been created in Trimble Sync Manager then the Joint mapping options may have been configured in the office.

Select this check box to display a warning message if the joint ID entered does not exist in the tally file. If you enter a joint ID that does not exist in the tally file, you must reopen the tally file in the Create tally screen and enter the details for the joint. You can do this before or after you complete the joint map record.
By default, this check box is selected (warnings are shown).

Select this check box so that the software searches the tally file for the next joint ahead (or joint behind if working upstream) and automatically fills out the ID field.

When mapping welds, you can match the default weld ID selection with the direction along the pipeline that the joints were welded. Select Increasing or Decreasing when the weld IDs routinely increment or decrease. If the weld IDs have no regular pattern, select No default to disable this feature.

Select whether the joint maps are presented in File order or Sequence order. File order presents the joint maps in the order that they were recorded in the field. Sequence order presents the joint maps by matching the joint ahead and joint behind IDs to create linked sequences. The default setting is File order and provides faster presentation for larger files over Sequence order since no extra processing is needed.
In general, File order is most useful when you are collecting data and creating a joint map. If you are reviewing the data that has been collected, then you may find it more useful to run a Joint mapping report with Sequence order selected.

To capture additional details relating to welds or bends, add extra fields to the form. To do this:
In the Weld fields or Bend fields group, tap Define and then enter the field names or tap Select library attribute and then tap the attribute to add. Keep adding fields until you are done.
This is a one-time only change to the fields in the form.
- Use the softkeys at the bottom of the screen to change the order of the fields, or to delete fields.
- Tap OK.
Review your changes and tap Accept.
When you tap Accept, a message warns that you will not be able to make further modifications to the fields for the weld or bend.