The Trimble Access Pipelines software is designed to simplify the process of collecting pipe attribute information before the pipeline is installed and to enable easy updating of these attributes when measuring welds and other features on the as-built pipeline. Pre‑recording all the attributes electronically reduces the stress and time pressure on the surveyor to survey the installed pipe as the trench is being backfilled. This enables the surveyor to focus on measuring points along the pipeline and checking the pre‑recorded attributes, rather than entering a lot of new attribute information.
In addition, the Pipelines software includes techniques to automate cover calculations, simplify the process of surveying and reporting on pipeline crossings, as well as other calculations such as deflection angle computations.
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The key features of the Pipelines software enable you to:
Complete a pipeline tally after the pipes (commonly referred to as “joints”) are delivered to the job site.
The details of each joint are stored in a CSV file for use later in the project.
Complete a joint map once the joints are welded together.
Each weld ID or x-ray ID/number is associated with the joint ahead and the joint behind. The information is stored in a .map CSV file for use later in the project. Bends and loose ends can also be recorded in the joint map.
- Record timestamps and positions with the tally and joint map.
Measure the as-built pipeline using conventional survey or GNSS survey equipment to measure the position of each weld, associate the details of the joint and to calculate the depth of cover.
By simply entering the weld ID when measuring the weld, the joint IDs from the joint mapping file and all the details for those joints from the tally CSV file are automatically copied and saved with the point in the job file and can be viewed and edited if required.

The software includes additional functionality specific to pipeline surveys:
- Compute intersection angles.
- Compute deflection angles.
- Generate reports on tally progress, joint mapping progress, and as-built survey progress.
- Exclusion zone support – recording and reporting when exclusion zones (areas you should not go) are entered and exited, or points are stored.
- Inclusion zone support – reporting if a measured point is outside the pipeline corridor.
- Automatically detecting if the length of a joint recorded in the tally is not the same as the distance computed between two measured welds.
- Automatic prompting to create a partial unit of pipe (PUP) when the joint length is edited.
- Create additional points from a centerline topo out to the width of the corridor to enable a simple surface to be created, from which cover can be calculated.