Exporting data from the job
Options shown in the Export screen are specific to the export file format you select.

and select Job.
- In the Jobs screen, select the job to export data from.
- Tap Export. The Export screen appears.
In the File format field, select the type of file to create. For information about options specific to the export file format you have selected, see File format-specific options below.
If required, edit the file name. By default, the File name field shows the name of the current job and the file extension is the file extension for the selected file type.
By default the file will be exported to the folder where the current job is stored. To export the file to a different folder, see To export files to a folder that is not the current job folder below.
If you have previously selected an export folder but then want the software to return to the default export location, tap
and select the folder where the current job is stored.
- To automatically view the file after you create it, select the View created file check box.
- If you selected the Comma Delimited (*.CSV, *.TXT) file format, the Select points screen appears. Choose the method for selecting the points and then select them. See Selecting points. To reorder points you have selected from a list or from the map, tap the Name column in the Points to export list.
- Tap Accept.

Options shown in the Export screen are specific to the export file format you select.

Select a field for each value. To exclude a value from the exported file, select Unused.
From the Field delimiter list, select the character (comma, semicolon, colon, space, or tab) that separates the data in your file into distinct fields.
When you tap Accept, you will be able to select the points to export. See Selecting points.
To reorder points you have selected from a list or from the map, tap the Name column in the Points to export list.

Select the DXF file format, the item types to export, and the number of Decimal places for elevation attribute values.
In the Symbols field, select the type of symbols used to represent the data in the DXF file.
Select Dot symbols to:
Show all points with a uniform dot symbol.
Show line and polygon features using the simple solid or dashed Field line style from the Feature Library.
Select Method symbols to:
Show points by the method used to create the point. For example, different symbols are used for topo points, control points, keyed in points and as-staked points.
Show line and polygon features using the simple solid or dashed Field line style from the Feature Library.
Select Feature library symbols to:
Show points using the symbol defined for points of the same feature code in the feature library (FXL) file. Points that do not have a feature symbol associated are displayed as a small circle.
Show line and polygon features using the custom Line style from the Feature Library.
Separate layers are created for each text attribute, for example point names, codes, and elevations. When exporting to DXF with the Symbols field set to Feature library symbols, a separate layer for each text attribute is created per feature code.
Point names, codes, elevations and extra attributes associated with inserted blocks are enabled for display by default in DXF files.

Set the Coordinates to Grid (northing/easting/elevation) or Lat/Long coordinates (local latitude/longitude/height).

Select whether to output the original entered grid (local) coordinates or the computed display grid (local) coordinates.
The computed grid (local) coordinates are derived by taking the keyed‑in or computed grid coordinates and then applying the display transformation. You must set the required display transformation before you export the file. To do this in Review job, select a point, go to Options, set the Coordinate view to Grid (local) and then select a Transformation for grid (local) display.

Select the item types to export. Options include points, feature coded linework and database linework.
Select the Bentley compatible format check box to be able to view linework in Bentley Open Road Design software.
Attributes associated with points and linework are exported to the LandXML file.
Attributes recorded as featureRef attributes found in a CgPoint element can also be reviewed.

When you select the LAS point cloud export option, only the SX10 or SX12 scan point clouds and regions that are currently displayed in the map are exported. .
To include or exclude some regions or point clouds, select or deselect scans or regions in the Scans tab of the Layer manager. The LAS point cloud export option is available only when the Trimble Access software LAS Export option is licensed to the controller. To purchase a license for the LAS Export option, contact your Trimble Distributor.

Specify the acceptable stakeout tolerances in the Stakeout horizontal tolerance and the Stakeout vertical tolerance fields.
Any stakeout delta greater than the defined tolerances appears in color in the generated report.

Enter the Report description that will appear near the top of the report.
The Surface inspection report is available only as a PDF file.

Select whether to generate a detailed report and the format for reporting GNSS deltas. Any screen captures and snapshots saved to the job are automatically included in the report.

Specify the traverse deltas limit. Values that exceed this limit are highlighted in the generated report.

Select the appropriate version number.

Configure the options for creating lines and generating text.

By default the file will be exported to the folder where the current job is stored. To export the file to a different folder, tap to browse to and select the folder:
If you create or select a folder in the current job folder, then for subsequent exports from any job the software will create or select a folder of that name in whatever the current job folder is at the time of export. For example, if you create a folder named "Exports" in the current job folder, then for subsequent exports the software will export to a folder named "Exports" in the current job folder at the time of export.
To change this behavior, either select a folder outside the Trimble Access project folder structure, or select the current job folder to restore the software to the default location.
If you select a folder that is outside the Trimble Access project folder structure, such as a network drive or a USB drive, then the software will continue to export files to the same nominated folder until you select a different folder.
For Trimble controllers running Android, USB drives should be formatted to the FAT32 format.
If the controller is running Android, you may be prompted to give Trimble Access read and write permissions for the USB drive. When you tap Yes, the Android folder selection screen appears. Tap
in that screen, browse to the USB drive and tap [SELECT] or [Use this folder]. The USB drive now appears in the Trimble Access Select folder screen. If the USB drive detected message does not appear, or if you have dismissed the message, tap the Select USB drive softkey once the USB device is connected. Note that it can take up to 30 seconds for the USB drive to be detected.