Map data settings for DXF, Shape, 12da, and LandXML files
The Trimble Access software provides settings for controlling the display of the data in linked DXF, Shape, 12da, and LandXML files.
To configure these settings, tap in the map toolbar, select Settings and configure the setting in the Map data controls group.

To explode polylines
To explode polylines contained in the file into individual line and arc segments, select the Explode polylines (DXF, Shape, 12da & LandXML) check box. Each segment in an exploded polyline is given a unique name, based on the polyline name and a segment number.
To create nodes
To create points at the ends of lines and arcs and at all points along a polyline, select the Create nodes (DXF, Shape, 12da & LandXML) check box. The created points can then be selected for stakeout or Cogo calculations.
This option also creates points at the center of circle and arc elements in DXF files, but creating a point at the center of a DXF arc element does not apply to arc elements that are part of a polyline.
Because Shapefiles do not support arcs, arcs are often represented as a series of short lines resulting in a large number of points. Performance may be impacted when Create nodes is selected.
To specify the null elevation (DXF only)
Some applications use a value such as ‑9999.999 to represent null. For the Trimble Access software to correctly treat this value as null, you must enter the value that represents null in the DXF file in the Null elevation (DXF only) field. Values are considered to be null if they are less than or equal to the null elevation value. For example, if the null elevation is ‑9999, then ‑9999.999 is also considered to be null.
Only grid coordinates are displayed. If you have not defined a projection, only points stored as grid coordinates appear. Grid (local) coordinates cannot be displayed if the input transformation was not defined. See Transformations.
If the Grid coords field in the Cogo settings screen is set to Increase South‑West or Increase South‑East, the map display is rotated by 180° such that increasing south coordinates are displayed up the screen.
To display DXF text
To show or hide text in a DXF file, tap the Display DXF text check box. Disabling text display in a DXF file that includes a lot of text can improve map performance.
To display name, code, and elevation labels
To show or hide names, codes, and elevations for items in linked files, tap the appropriate check boxes in the Display group.
The software shows these extra labels only when the file is set to selectable in the Layer manager. If the file is only set to visible, the extra labels are not shown. See Managing map file layers.
To display station values
Station values are displayed in the map for any lines, polylines or alignments selected from the linked file. To show or hide station values for all items, select the Display station values check box.
If the station interval value is null no station labels are displayed. If the station interval is 0 the station labels for the start and end stations plus any PI, PC or PT stations are displayed. If the station interval is a numeric value labels for all stations are displayed (depending on the zoom scale).

To display hatched polygons
To show hatched polygons in a DXF file or Shapefile, tap in the map toolbar, select Settings and select the Hatch polygons check box in the Display group.