Stakeout navigation deltas

The navigation information displayed during stakeout is user-definable and different configurations can be set up for the following item types:

  • Points

  • Points on a line, arc, polyline, or road

  • Line, arc, polyline, or road

  • Surface

To edit the stakeout deltas

  1. Tap and select Settings / Survey styles / <Style name> / Stakeout to configure the survey style to display the stakeout deltas as you usually use them.

    To change the deltas during stakeout, tap Options in the stakeout screen or tap and hold in the navigation pane.

  2. In the Deltas group, tap Edit.

    1. In the Deltas list, tap a delta to change whether the delta is displayed. A check mark indicates the delta will be shown. When fewer deltas are shown they are displayed in a larger font.

    2. To reorder the deltas, tap and hold a delta and drag it up or down the list.

    3. Tap Accept.

  3. If you are using a controller with a smaller screen, or you want to fit more navigation deltas on the screen, set the Show stakeout graphics switch to No.

  4. To save the changes you have made to the stakeout deltas to the current survey style, tap Save to style.

  5. Tap Accept to return to the Stakeout screen.

Available deltas

Available deltas for different items are listed below. However, if a specific delta is not applicable to the selected method used to stake out the item then the delta is either not shown or shows null.