Configure application settings
Use the Settings screen to configure how information from Trimble Mobile Manager is displayed and shared with other apps.
To view the Application Settings, tap and select Settings.
The Battery optimization tile appears in the Application settings screen and the Home screen if you have not allowed the Android operating system to disable the battery optimization feature for the Trimble Mobile Manager software.
If you do not disable battery optimization for Trimble Mobile Manager, the Android operating system may put the application to sleep, which will prevent you receiving high-accuracy positions from the connected GNSS receiver.
To ensure continuous position delivery, tap Open Settings and allow Trimble Mobile Manager to run in the background (stop/disable battery optimization).
To change the display units used by the app, tap Distance and select the appropriate units.
Choose either Degrees Minutes Seconds or Decimal Degrees to view positions in the desired format.
Enable this option to allow Trimble Mobile Manager to automatically connect to the most recently used receiver.
To be able to connect to the last known receiver, that receiver must be switch on, in range, and able to communicate with the mobile device over Bluetooth.