Installing T4D

  1. After restarting the server, make sure that there is a reliable internet connection.

  2. Open and run the T4Dsetup.exe file that was downloaded to the server before the installation.

    1. Select the correct Edition based on the license.

    2. Review and accept the Trimble 4D Control terms and conditions.

    3. Wait for the installer to download the installation files.

  3. In the SQL Server Configuration page, connect the T4D Control Application and the SQL database:

    1. Make sure the correct SQL Server Location is assigned; the default location ‘.\SQLEXPRESS’ is the local host location.

    2. The Username and Password should auto-populate in this window. Test the connection to ensure there is access between T4D and SQL.

      Two new databases will be created in this step: the Monitoring Database (T4DDBMonitoring) and the Technical Database (T4DDB).

      If you are unable to establish a connection during this step, contact your IT department to ensure the SQL ‘sa’ username and password are correct.

    3. Click Next.

  4. In the MongoDB Configuration page, click Test to test the connection. Click Next to continue.

  5. In the Installation Options page, select the Web Application Upload Storage. For new installations, select Next.

  6. The System Verification page shows a checklist of issues relating to the setup of the T4D installation.

    Failure to meet these requirements may inhibit the ability to proceed and complete the download.

  7. Click Proceed and wait for the installation to complete.

  8. Once the installation is complete, review any warnings.

  9. Open T4D Control and click Connect to sign in as Admin without a password. There are options to set a password inside T4D.