Annotating images

After capturing or uploading an image, you can draw on it or add text comments to the image to clarify what is shown or to highlight items of interest. You can also crop the image or rotate it.

To be able to annotate images, the field user signed in to TerraFlex must have a TerraFlex Standard or TerraFlex Premium license.

  1. In the form, tap the image you want to annotate.
  2. Tap Edit.
  3. To add text to the image, tap .
    1. To add the text, tap Add and then type in the text.
    2. To change the size of the text, tap and drag the arrows at the corner of the text box.
    3. To change the formatting of the text, tap the text box and then tap the other buttons in the text toolbar to change the color, font, text alignment, boldness, or transparency of the text.
    4. To reposition the text, tap the text box and then drag the text box to a different position on screen.
    5. To delete the text box, tap it to select it and then tap the trash can icon.
    6. To undo the previous change, tap at the top of the screen. To undo all of your changes, tap Reset.
    7. To save your changes, tap Save at the top right. Alternatively, to exit the text editor but keep editing the image, tap .
  4. To draw freehand linework on the image, tap . You must format the line appearance before you draw the line.

    1. To change the line thickness, tap and then drag the slider to the right or left.

    2. To change the pen color, tap and select the color.

    3. To change the line transparency, tap and then drag the slider to the right or left.

    4. To undo the previous change, tap at the top of the screen. To undo all of your changes, tap Reset.
    5. To save your changes, tap Save at the top right. Alternatively, to exit the text editor but keep editing the image, tap .
  5. To draw shapes on the image, tap and then select the rectangle, circle, or arrow shape. The shape appears on the image.

    1. To move the shape, tap it and then drag it to the new position on the image.

    2. To change the size of the shape, tap and then drag the corners of the shape.

    3. To change the appearance of the shape, tap it and then select the color, transparency and whether the shape is an outline or filled-in polygon.

    4. To undo the previous change, tap at the top of the screen. To undo all of your changes, tap Reset.
    5. To save your changes, tap Save at the top right. Alternatively, to exit the text editor but keep editing the image, tap .
  6. To edit the image, tap .
    1. To crop the image, tap .
    2. To rotate the image, tap .
    3. To flip the image, tap .
    4. To undo the previous change, tap at the top of the screen. To undo all of your changes, tap Reset.
    5. To save your changes, tap Save at the top right. Alternatively, to exit the text editor but keep editing the image, tap .