Real-time GNSS corrections
Use the Real-time GNSS tab in the Positioning pop-out window to configure real-time GNSS positioning sources to improve location accuracy of your Trimble GNSS device. Configurations linked to workspaces are available for use in field applications.
To use the Trimble RTX® service you must have a valid Trimble RTX subscription. For more information, go to
To create a real-time positioning configuration for the current workspace:
and then click Positioning.
Make sure the Real-time GNSS tab is selected.
Click Create.
Enter the Name and a Description for the configuration.
Select the Source.
Options are:
RTX (Internet): Trimble RTX is a global correction service provided by Trimble, with correction information sent via an internet connection.
RTX (Satellite): Trimble RTX is a global correction service provided by Trimble, with correction information sent via satellite.
Internet: Internet real-time configurations stream correction information over an internet connection from a VRS network or base station.
SBAS: SBAS is a satellite-based correction source that is free to use across most of North America and Europe.
If SBAS or Trimble RTX is used, TerraFlex knows it needs to do a time-dependent transformation to transform the data to NAD 1983 (2011). For other real-time sources, no transformation is needed because all the data is in the same datum.
If you selected Internet, click
and then complete the configuration:
Select the Internet source.
Enter the NTRIP URL and port for the server you obtain corrections from.
Click Load NTRIP Source to connect to the server and obtain the mount point table. When the mount point list is available, select the base station to use from the list.
If the NTRIP source requires authentication, enter the Username and Password to use, or select the check box to require authentication details to be entered by field users.
Click Select Datum to select the datum for the real-time correction source.
You must select the same datum as the datum used for the map workspace with which you want to use the real-time correction source.
Click Save.
Select the Fallback source. The fallback source will be used if real-time corrections from your preferred source are unavailable.
By default, the configuration will be assigned to all map workspaces that use the same datum as the datum selected for the real-time correction source.
To make the configuration available to only some workspaces, clear the All compatible map workspaces check box and then select the check box for each workspace you want to assign the configuration to.
Click Save.
The real-time positioning configuration is listed in the Positioning tab.
To prevent TerraFlex field app users from being able to collect a feature unless the estimated real-time accuracy does not meet a specified accuracy threshold, in your form template select the Enable Accuracy Based Logging check box and enter the required accuracy value. For more information, see Editing template properties.