Template field types
You can add any of the following field types to a form using the Fields tab of the Template Editor:
Autofields automatically capture metadata when the form is saved in the field, without requiring any action from the field user.
These metadata fields capture information that is commonly required by any GIS system, and save you having to create your own fields to capture this information. Autofields are not shown to the field user and so can be added to your form anywhere.
Data fields store text or numeric values, including dates or barcode values.
Special data fields include Yes/No option fields and choice fields. Choice fields are comprised of different values that the user can select from. For each data field type you can specify properties such as maximum length, default value, minimum or maximum range, and so on. The properties available for a data field type depend on the type selected.
Image fields store photos or signatures as images.
Layout fields allow you to add Group fields or Page header fields so that you can arrange related fields in groups, or split the form into multiple pages.
Any data field or image field can be set to required (for data collection and for update), or set to read-only (for update only).

For each autofield that you add to the form template, you can:
Rename the autofield so that it matches existing fields that hold this information in your GIS.
Make the field visible on the form. By default autofields that you have added to the form template are not visible to the field user.
Most commonly used autofield types:
- Collector – The user name of the field user.
- Created on – The date and time the form was saved. When you add this field you can select whether this information is stored using the device time or UTC time.
- Updated – The date and time the form was updated. When you add this field you can select whether this information is stored using the device time or UTC time.
Estimated accuracy – The estimated accuracy field shows the estimated accuracy of the feature as logged in real time.
If Offline GNSS corrections are enabled, the estimated accuracy field is updated after processing to show the offline GNSS corrected accuracy.
- Est. vertical accuracy – The estimated vertical accuracy of the stored position. When you add this field you can select the units this value is stored in.
Unique ID – The unique ID of the feature or asset. The unique ID typically matches an asset tag or serial number clearly visible on the feature.
For the Unique ID field, you can enter the starting number and then select the Increment or Decrement option to automatically increment the unique ID for the next feature or asset.
Tap More next to the Auto fields heading to view less commonly used autofield types:
- Device – The device model running the TerraFlex field app as well as any connected devices.
- Device ID – The serial number of the device running the TerraFlex field app.
Correction status – The correction status of the recorded position of the asset.
Possible values are: Code Corrected, Carrier Corrected, Digitized, RTX Code Corrected, RTX Carrier Corrected, SBAS.
Correction source – The correction source used to correct the recorded position of the asset.
Possible values are: Internet, RTX, Post‑processed, None.
- Capture method – The method used to capture the recorded position of the asset, for example GNSS, GNSS + Offset, Digitized.
- PDOP – The PDOP value of the position. The PDOP value is calculated using coordinates in three dimensions, including height.
HDOP – The HDOP value of the position. The HDOP value is calculated using two horizontal coordinates.
DOP (Dilution of Precision) values indicate the quality of a GNSS position, taking into account the geometry of the satellites used to calculate the position. A low DOP value indicates a higher probability of accuracy.
- ToDo – The name of the ToDo task that was in progress when the form was created or updated.
- Workspace – The name of the Map Viewer workspace in which the form was created or updated.

Text fields can store standard text and numeric values.
For each Text field, you can:
Set the Maximum length of the text that can be entered in the field.
Enter the Default text to be shown in the field, such as an instruction or the most common value.
To speed up data collection for fields that have common values, consider using a Choice field.

Number fields can store numeric values.
For each Number field, you can:
Enter the Default value for the field.
Set the number of Decimal places to be stored.
Use the Range fields to set the range of acceptable values.

The Length field type is similar to the Number field type, except a unit label will be shown beside the field so that users know which unit the value should be entered in as.
For each Length field, you can:
Select the Unit that the values should be entered in as.
Enter the Default value for the field.
Set the number of Decimal places to be stored.
Use the Range fields to set the range of acceptable values.

The Angle field type is similar to the Number field type, except a Degrees (°) label will be shown beside the field so that users know which unit the value should be entered in as.
Enter the Default value for the field.
Set the number of Decimal places to be stored.
Use the Range fields to set the range of acceptable values.

The Yes/No field provides a Yes option and a No option for the user to select from.
For each Yes/No field, you can select the Default value for the field. You can select from Yes or No, or select None to leave both options not selected.
When entering the name of a Yes/No field, make sure that the name is worded so that only a Yes or No option is applicable and it will be clear to the field user which option is appropriate.

The Choice field provides a drop-down list of values that the user selects from. This field type is useful for speeding up data collection when the possible values for the field are known.
For each Choice field, you can:
Select the Multiple choice question check box to allow the field user to select more than one answer. Clear the check box to allow only one answer.
Add choices for the user to select from, change the order the choices are listed, and select the Default choice.
Select the Show 'Other' option to include an Other choice in the list with a text field to fill out when Other is selected.
Set the Maximum length of the text that can be entered in the Other text field.
To reuse choices from other files or a different form template, click Edit as text and then copy and paste the text into the text field.

The Coded choice enables you to define a set of Code + Description values in the template. TerraFlex provides a drop-down list of values that the user can select from; the user sees the Description, but it is the associated Code that is stored for the attribute.
For each Coded choice field, you can:
Add choices for the user to select from.
Change the order the choices are listed.
Select the Default choice.
To reuse choices from other files or a different form template, click Edit as text and then copy and paste the text into the text field.

The Date field stores a date value.
For each Date field, you can:
Select the Default to current date check box to make the default value for the field match the current date.
Set the Default Date to a specific date.
Use the Date range fields to set the range of acceptable dates.
If you are using a date field to store the date the feature was collected or updated, consider using an automatic Created on or Updated field instead. See Autofield types.

The Barcode field stores a barcode captured using a barcode reader.
On devices without a barcode reader:
Stored barcodes will fall back to text. Typically, the device camera is able to read barcodes and store them as text.
A new barcode can be entered by entering the corresponding digits for the barcode.
For each Barcode field, you can specify the Maximum length of the text that can be entered in the field.

The Sensor field enables you to select a sensor (laser rangefinder / utility locator / cable & pipe locator) and define fields that auto-populate when the sensor is configured and fired when collecting data or updating forms in TerraFlex. A set of default fields are added for the sensor type you select. You can reorder these, or delete any as required.

Image fields store photos captured using the device camera or loaded from images stored on your device.
Trimble recommends that you do not upload images larger than 25 MB.
For each Image field, you can select the Allow multiple images check box to allow more than one photo to be saved in that field.
To have more control over image fields, add multiple image fields and allow each one to store only one photo. This allows you to set different properties per image field, such as field name, whether the image is required, and whether the image can be updated.

Signature fields can store a drawn signature as an image. Adding a new signature will replace the existing one.

Add a layout field to arrange fields in groups on the form or to divide the form into pages.

Add Group fields to arrange some fields in one or more groups on the form.
For each Group field, you can:
Enter the text that will appear at the top of the group.
Drag and drop other fields onto the Group field to add them to the group. You can drag and drop fields you have already added to the form or you can drag and drop new fields from the field types at the left of the screen.
Set the data update Required or Read‑only settings for the entire group. Set these settings first for the group and then override them by changing the setting per field if required.

Add Page header fields to divide the form into multiple pages and add a header to each page.
All fields on the form listed below the page header appear on that page.
For each Page header field, you can:
Enter the text that will appear at the top of the page.
Drag and drop other fields below the Page header field to add them to that page. You can drag and drop fields you have already added to the form or you can drag and drop new fields from the field types at the left of the screen. Alternatively, drag and drop the Page header field so that it is positioned above the fields you want to appear on that page.
Set the data update Required or Read‑only settings for the entire page. Set these settings first for the page header and then override them by changing the setting per field if required.