Antenna Configuration / Position Antenna / Vector Antenna
Use these settings to define the antenna being used by the receiver.
Select Receiver Configuration / Antenna.
The MPS566 receiver uses two antennas. All data relating to position references the Position (POS) antenna. The Vector (VECT) antenna is used to provide vector information only, such as the heading and attitude.
Antenna Type – Select the type of antenna being used with the receiver.
Antenna Serial Number – Enter the serial number of the antenna being used.
Antenna Measurement Method – Select how the antenna height is being measured.
Antenna Height [m] – Enter the measured height of the antenna. This is typically measured from a ground marker or the mounting point of the antenna.
Apply Antenna Correction to – When the RTCM V3 check box is selected, the Base antenna is set to a “Null Antenna” and no antenna model parameters are sent to the rover receiver. When using Trimble receivers exclusively, Trimble recommends that you select the check box. In some case, when using a third-party rover receiver, the check box should be left cleared and the antenna model parameters are sent to the rover. To determine the settings for this parameter, check with the third-party manufacturer.
If available, an image of the selected antenna is displayed so that you can confirm that you have selected the correct antenna.
Antenna Query
Click Antenna Query to interrogate a supported antenna for its model and serial number.