Setting up SPS585 Smart Antennas in a Wi-Fi network to provide position, heading, and rate of turn
There are two main cases outlined here using a pair of SPS585 smart antennas for position, heading, and rate of turn:
- without Internet connectivity (using SBAS or RTX corrections)
- with Internet connectivity (using VRS/IBSS RTK corrections)
Case 1: Without Internet Connectivity
In this case, the receiver is using either SBAS (e.g., WAAS, EGNOS) or the Trimble Centerpoint RTX service as the position correction source and using the Moving Base technology for heading and rate of turn.
Receiver 1
Label this receiver the Moving Base unit.
It is the Access Point ( to the Wi-Fi network.
Overview Diagram 1
Connect to the Moving Base receiver
- Connect your computer to the SPS585 Access Point by Wi-Fi. It's SSID will show Trimble GNSS xxx (where xxxx are the last 4 digits of the receiver’s serial number). The password is abcdeabcde.
- Using a browser, enter to open the web interface.
Configure this Moving Base receiver to send Moving Base corrections (5 Hz) to the Heading receiver:
- In the I/O Configuration web page, select TCP/IP Port 5017 then CMR and select Moving Base CMR 5Hz outputs.
- This receiver will be receiving either SBAS or Centerpoint RTX corrections so set that up accordingly.
- Leave this receiver turned on while you set up the Heading receiver.
Receiver 2
Label this receiver as the Heading unit.
This receiver sends NMEA position, heading, and rate of turn messages to the user’s application such as the HYDROpro software on a computer.
This SPS585 receiver accepts the Moving Base messages from the Moving Base receiver.
- Connect your computer to the Access Point of this receiver by Wi-Fi. It's SSID will show Trimble GNSS xxx (where xxxx are the last 4 digits of the receiver’s serial number). The password is abcdeabcde.
- Using a browser, enter to open the web interface.
Set up the Heading receiver to accept the Moving Base corrections from the Moving Base receiver as follows:
- Set this receiver into Client mode by selecting Wifi / Client menu in the web interface and then Enabling it as a Client:
- Click Scan for Networks.
- Select the SSID of the SPS585 Moving Base receiver.
- Enter the encryption key for the Moving Base receiver.
- Click Connect. The connection should take a few seconds and then the button on the right side should show Disconnect:
Restart the Heading receiver to set it into Client mode
- Reconnect your computer to the Moving Base receiver via Wi-Fi. (see Connect to the Moving Base receiver above).
To determine what the IP address of the Heading receiver is look at the Association List in the Wi-Fi Status page. The following example shows the SPS585 Heading receiver is on
- In the browser, enter the IP address of the Heading receiver (in this example )
- If both receivers are tracking satellites, check the heading is valid.
- In the I/O Configuration web page, select the NMEA outputs and rates on Port 5018.
To accept the NMEA messages in the PC application, use the IP address as per this example
Case 2: With Internet Connectivity
In this case, the receiver is using land-based corrections from the Internet – VRS or Internet Base Station System (IBSS) as the position correction source. This requires a Hotspot or Mi-Fi device connected to the Internet.
The receiver is using the Moving Base technology for heading and rate of turn.
- Turn on the Wi-Fi Hotspot (sometimes called Mi-Fi). Ensure it is connected to the Internet.
Receiver 1
- Label this receiver the Moving Base unit.
- Connect your computer to the SPS585 Access Point by Wi-Fi. Its SSID will show Trimble GNSS xxx (where xxxx are the last 4 digits of the receiver’s serial number). The password is abcdeabcde.
- Using a browser, enter to open the web interface of this receiver.
- The HotSpot or Mi-Fi often uses a default DHCP IP range of 192.168.x.x, so to avoid conflict between Network A and Network B a suitable alternative DHCP IP range for Network A should be selected.
Set up Wi-Fi Network A for the Moving Base system
- In the Wi-Fi Access Point Configuration web page, select the Show advanced settings check box.
- In DHCP IP range field, select the 10.10.10.x check box.
- Click Save. Restart the receiver.
- To access this receiver’s web interface, connect your computer to the receiver and enter into a web browser.
- Output Moving Base corrections at 5 Hz on Port 5017 for the SPS585 (Heading receiver) to use. Select Output only / Allow multiple connections.
Receiver 2
- Label this receiver the Heading receiver.
- Before configuring this receiver set it to factory defaults. Press
for 25 seconds then release it.
- Connect your computer to this SPS585 Access Point by Wi-Fi. It's SSID will show Trimble GNSS xxx (where xxxx are the last 4 digits of the receiver’s serial number). The password is abcdeabcde.
- Using a web browser, enter to open the web interface of this receiver.
- Select the Wi-Fi Client Configuration web page. Enable Wi-Fi Client and Scan for Networks.
- Select the SSID of the SPS585 Moving Base receiver and enter the encryption key abcdeabcde and then click Connect.
Save and Restart the receiver
- To return to the web interface of this Heading receiver reconnect your computer to the SPS585 Moving Base receiver and in the Wi-Fi Status page you will see the IP address of the Heading receiver in the Association List at the base of the page ( in this example).
- In your web browser, enter the IP address of the Heading receiver ( in this example) so you can access its web interface.
- Set up a TCP port (Client) for incoming corrections from the SPS585 Moving Base IP and Port (Server). In this example, the Moving Base receiver is on Port 5017.
- Check that the SPS585 Heading receiver is in RTK and the Heading is valid.
- Set NMEA outputs for the application software on Port 5018.
Receiver 1
- The final step is to set up Network B which is the connection to the HotSpot and Internet.
- Connect your computer to the SPS585 Moving Base receiver.
- Using a browser, enter in its IP ( in this example).
- In the Wi-Fi Client Configuration page, select Enable the Wi-Fi Client and Scan for Networks. Select the HotSpot and enter its encryption key.
- Click Connect. Once the button shows as Disconnect, click Save.
- For precise rover operation, connect the SPS585 to the IBSS (or VRS) with appropriate login details.
- Click OK.
This example has Location 10/2 option loaded and since its using IBSS, the Position Type is RTK.
See also: Troubleshooting displayed data in the Pilot software.