End user settings

The radio is set to SURV LCD mode by the Trimble Dealer when the transmit frequencies are added.

In the main screen, the current channel, frequencies, channel spacing and TX power are visible.

Basic settings can be accessed directly in the TDL510 radio from the LCD menu and push buttons (see Push buttons). Some functions, for example, editing channel lists must be done by your Trimble dealer.

LCD MENU 1 – Select Band

Select the frequency band to be used: 450 MHz or 900 MHz.

Settings if 450 MHz is selected

LCD MENU 2 – Select Channel

Select a pre-programmed 450 MHz channel from the channel list provided by the Trimble Dealer.

Tx Power, Tx Frequency, and Rx Frequency are displayed for each channel.

LCD MENU 3 – Select Compatibility

TDL510 450 MHZ compatibility setting

Trimble 450 MHz Rover Wireless Mode

Region Code: US/CAN

Spacing: 12.5 kHz

Spacing: 25 kHz


TRIMTALK v1@4800

Not supported by TDL510


SATEL@9600, FEC On, Auto Rx

SATEL@19200, FEC On, Auto Rx


SATEL@9600, FEC Off, Auto Rx

SATEL@19200, FEC Off, Auto Rx


PCC EOT4@9600

PCC EOT4@19200


PCC EOT@4800

Not supported by TDL510


PCC FST@9600, FEC On

PCC FST@19200,FEC On


TRIMTALK v1@9600

TRIMTALK v1@19200

TRIMTALK 8/16 kbps

TRIMTALK v1@8000

Not supported by TDL510

LCD MENU 4 – Select TX Power

Select the Tx Power.

The Max. Tx Power for the selected channel is set by the Trimble Dealer.

LCD MENU 5 – Select Repeater

Select Repeater function, ON or OFF. Default: OFF.

Repeater Mode selects whether the radio forwards the received messages over the radio or not. Only one repeater is supported.

LCD MENU 6 – Select FEC

Select FEC (Forward Error Correction), ON or OFF. Default: OFF.

The FEC setting applies only to the SATELLINE-3AS radio protocol.

FEC improves the reliability of data transfer over a noisy radio channel. FEC is recommended in case the link distances are long or if the radio channel is not clean. However, FEC ON decreases the data transfer speed by about 30 % (depending on used modulation level).

All radio modems, which are to communicate with each other, must have the same setting for FEC (ON or OFF).

LCD MENU 7 – Select Modem Address

Not implemented. Only one repeater is supported on the 450 MHz band so addressing is not required.

Settings if 900 MHz band is selected

Radio Status


Region code

Factory Reset

Wireless Settings

Radio Mode: Select Base, Rover, or Repeater (1–4)
Network ID: Set an ID (1–40)
Frequency Band: Select the frequency band to be used. 450 MHz or 900 MHz.

Port Settings

Use the default settings:

Function: Data
Speed: 38400
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
Pause Length: 5


View the device details:


Serial Number

Firmware Version

Serial Port Settings