TerraFlex settings
To view the TerraFlex settings, tap and tap Settings.

Location Service
The Location Service tile shows the source of the location information used by the TerraFlex software.
Internal indicates the software is using the GPS receiver inside the device. On supported Trimble devices, such as a Trimble TDC150 handheld, the internal receiver will be the integrated Trimble GNSS receiver or the Trimble Empower EM100 module.
To connect to an external Trimble GNSS receiver, tap the Location Service tile.
Antenna Settings
Tap the Antenna settings tile to enter information about the GNSS receiver antenna.
In the Antenna height field, enter the height of the antenna. The Antenna height value is the distance from the ground to the bottom of the antenna at the height it is used to measure positions. This could be when it is mounted on a pole, in a backpack when you are wearing it, or attached to a Catalyst or HPS2 handle that your device is attached to.
If the correct antenna type is not shown, tap the Antenna Type field and select the type of antenna you are using. Tap to save your changes.
In the Antenna Measurement Method field, select the method for the antenna setup you are using:
Bottom of antenna mount
Bottom of pole cap long
Bottom of Catalyst antenna handle
HPS2 (Bottom of HPS2 handle
Bottom of HPS2 w/ pole mount)
Real-time Configuration
The Real-time configuration tile shows the real-time positioning source that is being used to improve the location accuracy of the connected Trimble GNSS receiver.
Depending on your system configuration, you may have more than one source available.
Catalyst Subscription Information
If you are using the Trimble Catalyst GNSS positioning service, the Catalyst Subscription Information tile shows the type of Catalyst subscription you are using.
Tap the tile to view more information, including your account details and the date the subscription was last updated. If your subscription has been recently changed, tap the Refresh Subscription Information button to refresh the details shown in this screen.
For more information about the Trimble Catalyst GNSS positioning service, go to https://help.fieldsystems.trimble.com/trimble-catalyst/.

Laser Rangefinder
If you are using a laser rangefinder to capture remote features in the TerraFlex software, the type of laser rangefinder is shown on the Laser Rangefinder tile.
To connect to a laser rangefinder, tap the Laser Rangefinder tile. See Using a TruPulse laser rangefinder to measure offsets.
Laser Height
To configure the height of the connected TruPulse laser rangefinder, tap the Laser Height tile and enter the value.
This is the distance from the ground to the bottom of the laser when it is mounted on the pole you are using. If you are not using a pole it is the distance from the ground to the bottom of the laser at the height at which the rangefinder is used (your eye height).
This setting does not apply when you are using a Trimble HPS2 handle.

External Sensor
If you are using an external sensor to capture features in the TerraFlex software, the type of sensor is shown on the External Sensor tile.
To connect to an external sensor, tap the External Sensor tile. See Using utility locators / external sensors.
Sensor Output
The output given from the connected sensor over Bluetooth shows in this tile. To see the sensor output, fire the connected sensor device. If the sensor is supported, this tile is populated with the captured data.
Not currently supported on iOS devices.

Accuracy Display Value
Select whether the Horizontal or Vertical accuracy value is the primary value shown on the map and when filling out a form. Choose the value which is most appropriate for your workflow. If features require a certain vertical accuracy, for example, then choose Vertical to make capturing data that meets this requirement easier.
Primary Display Value
The Primary Display Value field is shown only if you have a TerraFlex Premium license and the workspace is enabled for offline GNSS corrections.
Select whether the estimated accuracy value shown on the map and when filling out a form is the current GNSS accuracy or the estimated accuracy after processing using offline GNSS corrections. If you are using offline GNSS corrections as the primary correction source, set the Primary Display Value field to After offline GNSS processing so that you can see the expected accuracy of the data you are capturing.
Use System Camera App
Enable the Use System Camera App check box if you prefer to use the camera app provided with your device operating system rather than the camera app provided with the TerraFlex software. Using the system app allows you to zoom and change the photo resolution using the device operating system settings.

Image location, heading and time stamp which are stored to the image EXIF data can be added as watermarks to images that are captured using the camera in TerraFlex: enable the Date and Time and Location and Bearing check boxes to show this information on images captured with the TerraFlex camera.
Image watermarks cannot be applied to images that you load from your device; they can only be applied to images that are captured using the camera in TerraFlex.

Unit System
To change the display units used by the app, tap Unit System and select the appropriate units.
Show Map Breadcrumb
Enable the Show Map Breadcrumb check box to show a breadcrumb trail on the map, indicating the path you have taken. This enables you to easily track where you have been or to retrace your steps.
Breadcrumb Logging
Enable the Breadcrumb Logging check box to save a breadcrumb trail indicating the path you have taken to the Breadcrumb Files folder in the Trimble Connect project.
To enable Breadcrumb Logging, the field user signed in to TerraFlex must have a TerraFlex Standard or TerraFlex Premium license.
The breadcrumb file includes real-time positions only — if you are collecting features that will be corrected using Offline GNSS corrections then positions in the breadcrumb file may not match the location of selected features. The Breadcrumb Logging setting is independent of the Show Map Breadcrumb setting.

To generate a log file and send it to Trimble Support, tap Send Log File. Select your preferred email app and then edit the draft email as required and send it. The generated log file is attached to the draft email.