Adding 900 MHz transmissions to a base station

The TDL510 radio can be used to add an external 900 MHz radio to an existing base station that may already be transmitting corrections via an internal or external 450 MHz radio to a mixed fleet of rovers and machines.

The base station must be able to output Trimble CMR+ corrections to an RS-232 serial port and have a suitable cable for connection to the TDL510 cable P/N 128287.

  1. Install the radio either in a protected enclosure for long-term use or on a tripod for daily setup.

  2. Connect an appropriate 900 MHz antenna to the RF connector on the top of the radio:

    • P/N 123588 is recommended for short-range usage. This is a dual-band antenna and can be used with the radio in either 450 MHz or 900 MHz mode.

    • P/N 56510-90 is the recommended external 5 dB antenna kit for maximum range.


    • UHF antennas should be mounted high with line-of-sight to the rovers and machines.

    • There should be a minimum of 2 m separation between the two transmitting antennas.

  3. Connect the SAE connector on cable P/N 128287 with an appropriate 12 V DC power supply.

  4. Connect the DB9 RS-232 serial connector on cable P/N 128287 to the serial output on the base station.

  5. Enable CMR+ outputs at 1 Hz on the same base station serial port.

  6. Use the front panel and keypad of the radio to set the:

    • Radio Mode – Base

    • Network ID

    • Serial port settings – 38400/8/N/1. See the TDL510 Radio Quick Start Guide or End user settings.


    • Ensure that the serial port settings are identical for the base station and the radio.

    • Check the LEDs on the front of the radio for operational status. See LED modes.