
To use the calculator, tap and select Cogo / Calculator.

To perform a calculation from a numeric field:

  1. Tap and select Calculator.

    If the numeric field contains a number, that number is automatically pasted into the calculator.

  2. Enter the numbers and functions.
  3. Tap to calculate the result.
  4. Tap Accept.

    If you opened the calculator from a numeric field, the calculated result is pasted into that numeric field.

Tap Azimuth to open the Compute azimuth form. See Compute azimuth.

Tap Distance to open the Compute distance form. See Compute distance.

Tap V. Dist to open the Compute vertical distance form. Select the From point and the To point. To copy the calculated value to the calculator for use in other calculations, tap Accept.

Tap to change calculator options:

  • Select units (degrees, mils, gons).
  • Select Standard or RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) mode.
  • Select Decimal places to select the number of decimal places to use.

Calculator functions are described below.

Symbol Function





Change sign of number being entered


Show all values on the stack
Back space


Tap to set the angle method, calculator mode (Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) or Standard), and decimal place display.

Raise Y to the power of X
Square root
Raise 10 to the power of X
Enter exponent or change exponent sign
Swap X with Y
Arc Sin
Arc Cosine
Arc Tangent
Log base 10
Switch Shift state
Open parenthesis
Close parenthesis
Clear all
Clear entry
Memory functions
Polar to rectangular coordinate conversion
Rectangular to polar coordinate conversion
Rotate stack down
Rotate stack up
Insert degrees, minutes, or seconds separator
Subtract angles of the form DD.MMSSsss
Add angles of the form DD.MMSSsss
Convert from DD°MM'SS.sss or DD.MMSSsss to angle units
Convert from current angle units to DD°MM'SS.sss