Using the SPS585 Smart Antennas to provide position, heading, and rate of turn to an iPad app

This topic assumes you have an iPad to run an application such as Piloting software. In this case, the networks are connected to the Internet using an external Mi-Fi/Hotspot device.

If the application requires AIS data then that can be obtained from an Internet service or through an optional AIS feed from a Wi-Fi AIS.


  1. Check that both SPS585 receivers are charged.
  2. Download the clone files, PILOTMBASE.xml and PILOTHEADING.xml:
  3. Have a PC laptop with Wi-Fi.
  4. Label the two SPS585 receivers appropriately as:
    • Moving Base
    • Heading
  5. Ensure that both receivers have the SPS585 Marine activation code loaded. To check the activation code, select Receiver Status / Receiver Options. "Moving Base - Installed" is an indicator that the activation code is loaded.

Setting up the Moving Base receiver

  1. Turn on the Moving Base receiver. It is good practice at this stage to reset the receiver to factory defaults.
  2. Scan the SSID list on your laptop for Trimble GNSS xxxx where xxxx are the last 4 digits of the Moving Base receiver serial number (see the label on the receiver).
  3. Connect to this SSID using the password abcdeabcde.
  4. Open a web browser and enter to access the receiver configuration.
  5. In the web interface, select Firmware / Install new firmware. Ensure firmware version 5.03 or later is loaded into the SPS585 receiver.
  6. Select Receiver Configuration / Application files.
    1. Select Upload Clone file.
    2. Choose the file, PILOTMBASE.xml, from your laptop and click OK.
    3. Select Install Clone file.
    4. Choose the file, PILOTMBASE.xml, from your laptop and click OK.
    5. Check all the options and then click OK and close the web browser.
    6. When the installation is complete, restart the receiver.

Setting up the Heading receiver

  1. Turn on the Heading receiver.
  2. Scan the SSID list on your laptop for Trimble GNSS xxxx where xxxx are the last 4 digits of the Heading receiver serial number (see the label on the receiver).
  3. Connect to this SSID using the password abcdeabcde.
  4. Open a web browser and enter to access the receiver configuration.
  5. In the web interface, select Firmware / Install new firmware. Ensure firmware version 5.03 or later is loaded into the SPS585 receiver.
  6. Select Receiver Configuration / Application files.
    1. Select Upload Clone file.
    2. Choose the file, PILOTHEADING.xml, from your laptop and click OK.
    3. Select Install Clone file.
    4. Choose the file, PILOTHEADING.xml, from your laptop and click OK.
    5. Check all the options and then click OK and close the web browser.
    6. When the installation is complete, restart the receiver.

You can now connect the Pilot iPad or tablet to the system.

Connecting the iPad or tablet to the system

  1. Scan the SSID list on your iPad for Trimble Moving Base.
  2. Connect to this SSID using the password abcdeabcde.
  3. If you need to access the Trimble Moving Base receiver, enter in your browser.

    The NMEA messages will be available over TCP/IP from Port 5018 for your application.

  4. If you require an AIS feed from a device such as the Pilotstech Pilot Plug Wi-Fi device, then this needs to be set up as a client. Refer to Configuring a PilotTech AIS Pilot Plug Wi-Fi for details on device's configuration.


See also: Troubleshooting displayed data in the Pilot software.